Source code for KISSmetrics.client_compat

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import KISSmetrics
from KISSmetrics import Client

import datetime

port_map = {'80': 'http', '443': 'https'}

[docs]class ClientCompat(object): """Compatibility interface to KISSmetrics tracking service .. warning:: Interface only exists for compatibility and will not be supported in the future. """ def __init__(self, key, host=None, http_timeout=None, logging=True): """Initialize client for use with KISSmetrics API key. :param key: API key for a product, found on the "KISSmetrics Settings". :type key: str :param host: tracking host for requests; defaults production tracking service. :param http_timeout: request timeout; defaults to None :type http_timeout: int :param logging: indicate whether to log """ self.key = key if host: (trk_host, trk_port) = host.split(':') try: trk_scheme = port_map[trk_port] except KeyError: raise ValueError('port in supplied host is not 80 or 443') else: trk_host = KISSmetrics.TRACKING_HOSTNAME trk_scheme = 'http' self.client = Client(key=key, trk_host=trk_host, trk_scheme=trk_scheme) self.identity = None
[docs] def identify(self, identity): """Define identity for subsequent calls. :param identity: identifying info (email, user-id, anonymous-id) :type identity: str or unicode """ self.identity = identity
[docs] def record(self, action, props=None, path=KISSmetrics.RECORD_PATH, resp=False): """Record event for identity with any properties. :param action: event performed :param props: any additional data to include :type props: dict :param resp: indicate whether to return response :type resp: boolean :returns: an HTTP response for request if `resp=True` :rtype: `urllib3.response.HTTPResponse` :raises: Exception if either `identity` or `key` not set """ self.check_id_key() timestamp = None if not props: props = {} response = self.client.record(person=self.identity, event=action, properties=props, timestamp=timestamp, path=path) if resp: return response
[docs] def set(self, data, path=KISSmetrics.SET_PATH, resp=False): """Set a properties provided in `data` for identity. :param data: key-value pairs to associate with identity :type data: dict :param path: endpoint path; defaults to ``KISSmetrics.SET_PATH`` :param resp: indicate whether to return response :type resp: boolean :returns: an HTTP response for request if `resp=True` :rtype: `urllib3.response.HTTPResponse` :raises: Exception if either `identity` or `key` not set """ self.check_id_key() timestamp = None response = self.client.set(person=self.identity, properties=data, timestamp=timestamp, path=path) if resp: return response
[docs] def alias(self, name, alias_to, path=KISSmetrics.ALIAS_PATH, resp=False): """Map `name` to `alias_to`; actions done by one resolve to other. :param name: consider as same individual as ``alias_to`` :param alias_to: consider an alias of ``name`` :param path: endpoint path; defaults to ``KISSmetrics.ALIAS_PATH`` :param resp: indicate whether to return response :type resp: boolean :returns: an HTTP response for request if `resp=True` :rtype: `urllib3.response.HTTPResponse` :raises: Exception if either `identity` or `key` not set """ self.check_init() response = self.client.alias(person=name, identity=alias_to, path=path) if resp: return response
[docs] def log_file(self): """Retrieve path to log file. .. note:: Will log to ``'/tmp/kissmetrics_error.log'``; cannot be modified. """ return '/tmp/kissmetrics_error.log'
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset `identity` and `key` attributes. .. warning:: After calling this method, further calls to `record`, `set`, & `alias` will raise an `Exception`. You will need to set the API key again via `key` attribute and call `identify`. """ self.identity = None self.key = None
def check_identify(self): if self.identity is None: raise Exception('Need to identify first (KM.identify <user>)') def check_init(self): if self.key is None: raise Exception('Need to initialize first (KM.init <your_key>)') def now(self): return datetime.datetime.utcnow() def check_id_key(self): self.check_init() self.check_identify()