Source code for KISSmetrics.client

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import KISSmetrics
from KISSmetrics import request
from urllib3 import PoolManager

[docs]class Client(object): """Interface to KISSmetrics tracking service""" def __init__(self, key, trk_host=KISSmetrics.TRACKING_HOSTNAME, trk_scheme=KISSmetrics.TRACKING_SCHEME): """Initialize client for use with KISSmetrics API key. :param key: API key for product, found on the "KISSmetrics Settings". :type key: str :param trk_host: tracking host for requests; defaults production tracking service. :param trk_proto: the protocol for requests; either be `'http'` or `'https'`. """ self.key = key if trk_scheme not in ('http', 'https'): raise ValueError('trk_scheme must be one of (http, https)') self.http = PoolManager() self.trk_host = trk_host self.trk_scheme = trk_scheme
[docs] def record(self, person, event, properties=None, timestamp=None, path=KISSmetrics.RECORD_PATH): """Record `event` for `person` with any `properties`. :param person: the individual performing the `event` :param event: the `event` name that was performed :param properties: any additional data to include :type properties: dict :param timestamp: when the `event` was performed; optional for back-dating :param path: HTTP endpoint to use; defaults to ``KISSmetrics.RECORD_PATH`` :returns: an HTTP response for the request :rtype: `urllib3.response.HTTPResponse` """ this_request = request.record(self.key, person, event, timestamp=timestamp, properties=properties, scheme=self.trk_scheme, host=self.trk_host, path=path) return self._request(this_request)
[docs] def set(self, person, properties=None, timestamp=None, path=KISSmetrics.SET_PATH): """Set a property (or properties) for a `person`. :param person: individual to associate properties with :param properties: key-value pairs to associate with `person` :type properties: dict :param timestamp: when the `event` was performed; optional for back-dating :param path: HTTP endpoint to use; defaults to ``KISSmetrics.SET_PATH`` :returns: an HTTP response for the request :rtype: `urllib3.response.HTTPResponse` """ this_request = request.set(self.key, person, timestamp=timestamp, properties=properties, scheme=self.trk_scheme, host=self.trk_host, path=path) return self._request(this_request)
[docs] def alias(self, person, identity, path=KISSmetrics.ALIAS_PATH): """Map `person` to `identity`; actions done by one resolve to other. :param person: consider as same individual ``identity``; the source of the alias operation :type person: str or unicode :param identity: consider as an alias of ``person``; the target of the alias operation :type identity: str or unicode :param path: HTTP endpoint to use; defaults to ``KISSmetrics.ALIAS_PATH`` :returns: an HTTP response for the request :rtype: `urllib3.response.HTTPResponse` Note the direction of the mapping is ``person`` to ``identity`` (so "``person`` is also known as ``identity``" or "``person`` => ``identity``" when looking at it as "``<source>`` => ``<target>``") When consulting the Aliasing documentation, `person` corresponds to ``query_string.PERSON_PARAM`` and `identity` corresponds to ``query_string.ALIAS_PARAM``. Aliasing is not a reversible operation. When aliasing to an identity, take care not to use a session identifier or any other value that is not relatively stable (a value that will not change per request or per session). For more information see the API Specifications on `Aliasing <>`_. """ this_request = request.alias(self.key, person, identity, scheme=self.trk_scheme, host=self.trk_host, path=path) return self._request(this_request)
def _request(self, uri, method='GET'): return self.http.request(method, uri)